Thursday, February 7, 2008

The United States is considered one of the greatest countries in the world. We have the opportunity to pursue our interests, our ambitions, and we have the opportunity to attain the best life possible. However, many of the citizens, in the United States, have failed to reach their goals or ambitions. One of the major factors has to do with the education that they have recieved. Whether it was the lack of funding, un-qualified teachers, or people who just did not care, many did not receive a proper education. As a result, hundreds of thousand of people are struggling to get-by. They are living off of well-fare, they are finding anyway possible to get food, shelter, and clothes. And it does not stop with them. These people have now had children, and their children are receiving the same kind of education as they did: a lack of one. The cycle is continuing, and the number of people who are not well-educated is growing. As these people stuggle to get by only small changes have been made to the schools and the quality of teachers and education. The No Child Left Behind Act has made a dent into this broad issue, but many of the schools, principals, and teachers are reluctant to abide by its conditions. My question is can more be done to quicken the placement of change in schools across the nation? If so, what do you suggest? Do you think that the federal should have such a large role in the education system? Think about these questions and post your ideas. Thank you.


atamale said...

Such a deeper issue then it appears...I must agree on you're views on such a topic. I feel that this NCLB Act is due for a re-write or at least needs some fine tunning because it is not full filling it's purpose.

katmplatt said...

This is such a huge problem. NCLB is meant for good, but it just doesn't seem realistic. I really don't like the part about the schools getting funds taken away if they don't meet the standards. That just seems like the opposite of helping them to succeed. Teachers really have a lot of responsibility, but it is becoming harder and harder because a lot of families are falling apart. It is so sad because education seems to becoming less and less important to a lot of people. Survival seems to be what they are striving for. But, we still need to do our best as teachers to help as many of these children love to learn as we can!

Jenny, Axel, and Axelito's Blog said...

I totally agree that there is a major problem with the education in the United States.
The main contributor of that I believe is The No Child Left Behind Policy. I think in theory it is a good idea but don't think that it was thought out well. I am saying this all from a teacher's stand point. I know that many teachers don't like it because they must spend all their teaching time on standardized tests and grading, and it limits the freedom that teachers have because they are worried about their students scoring highly on the tests.
Many subjects are being cut out because their is not enough time in the day to teach everything. PE is one of these subjects which is important for young children to participate in during the day, to help re-capture their attention and get out all their energy, so they can focus!